STATUS BY SHTAMGUTS brand design is formed of using details, fabric shades, texture and type of treatment synthesis, highlighting the construction of garment which acts as a functional element to make it decorative and innovative. Thus, creating new solutions for even classic things.

The name of the brand STATUS BY SHTAMGUTS isn’t stressing the wearer’s status as a wealthy person, it is stressing their consciousness about their status as a person. Everyone who responds to STATUS BY SHTAMGUTS designs is special. They are people who not only live on this planet but they are people who shape it.

STATUS BY SHTAMGUTS consumers are an open-minded persons that has a vast view on the rest of the world. They are daring and they acknowledge themselves as a personality. STATUS BY SHTAMGUTS offers clothing for every day as well as for more special occasions. We focus mainly on details and construction and that requires observing and going deep into things. History has proven wonderfully that clothing helps people to reach their goals.

STATUS BY SHTAMGUTS fashion style – future for today – MADE TO DARE!


Clothes are MADE ON PLANET EARTH. The only thing of actual importance is the planet and mankind being a united structure without any limits or borders. I am a patriot of the whole planet. I think about the future and the fact that there are/will be other planets that can be lived on, and that this clothing is made on planet Earth.

Fashion artist ARTIS ŠTAMGŪTS works in its own brand STATUS BY SHTAMGUTS as a designer and creative director.

Assistant professor at the Art Academy of Latvia.

Graduated from the Art Academy of Latvia with a Master's Degree in Fashion.

In addition studied at the Fashion Academy in Milan - Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti (NABA) and the University of Art in Berlin - Universität der Künste Berlin (UDK).

About myself - I work precisely and with a great sense of responsibility. I am familiar with the design / art and history of clothing and also its construction. Consequently, I propose to the client only possible realizable ideas, which are based not only on the visions, but also on theoretical knowledge. This knowledge gives you unlimited possibilities to create whatever is the vision.

I would describe my style as adaptable, architectural, geometric romance or romantic futurism. From laconism to avant-garde - from a historically nostalgic futuristic to modern-day outfit. Borders are interesting to break, confuse and create something new... I'm making clothes for stage artists, advertising campaigns, everyday life, and festivities.

I am inspired by various things and phenomena - it can be an artwork, architecture, sociologically historical processes, living and inanimate nature. There are no boundaries to the inspiration...